Having sewn all her life, Marilyn began quilting in the 80's with an unfortunate effort that to this day remains in the UFO pile in her studio. It serves as a reminder of where many quilters start. Too many moves as a military wife led to her to seek a more portable career. She began sharing her “gifts” of knowledge of crafts she had learned in the many diverse places they had lived by teaching individuals, area groups and organizations. A chance trip to the LQS turned into an offer of full time employment and the real beginning of her quilting career. She opened her own retail shop after her husband’s retirement. The real enjoyment she found was in the design and creative aspect involved in quilting and sewing. She sold the retail inventory and moved the classroom, quilting and design studio to her home. The focus now is on design, construction, and completion of quilting projects - hers and her customers! We hope that you come to see us soon, enjoy your visit, and visit often.